Are you too crafty for your own good?

People who do a lot of crafts tend to be creative, right-brain thinkers. Great at coming up with lots of new, out-of-the-box ideas. Enthusiastic about starting new things.

The trap of this thinking is, that creativity leads to lots of good ideas for holding on to clutter. There may be plenty of uses for yarn, paint, fabric, scraps of wood, and that makes them hard to get rid of.

Enthusiasm for starting projects does not always translate into many finished projects. Sometimes, they are not as much fun as they first appeared, and end up being what crafters may describe as UFOs: UnFinished Objects.

yarn and knitting needles

Gather all your supplies and projects together and sort them into piles. Then ask yourself some difficult questions about which you still enjoy, what you have time in your schedule to accomplish, and whether the quantities on hand correspond to your enjoyment and time factors. Find a suitable place to store the ones you do like and have time for, and donate the rest.

Some organizations that may benefit from your unused supplies: daycares, schools, Brownie/Scout groups, Sunday schools, camps, and seniors’ centres. Give them a call to see what they might like, and deliver them promptly.

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