One feature of modern life that has jumped way ahead of our ability to deal with it neatly is
the amazing number of small electronic gadgets we own. Phones. MP3 players. Kindles.
This is a problem in many homes. Where to keep all these gadgets? And their cords? And why do they all end up on the kitchen counter?
When I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to design the kitchen in my new house, one of the must-haves was a charging station. It’s really just a shallow shelf in the desk area.
It solves a few problems for us. It provides a home for the cell phones; no searching around the house. When we get home, they immediately go in their spot.
(It also provides a spot for the wallet, keys, and pocket contents. That red tray is a Rubbermaid bento box lid. Sturdy, a good size, and the colours available coordinate well here.)
The charging cords have a place as well, and can be plugged in without taking up counter space or running the risk of food spills. Again, because we did this during the building phase, the electricians were able to put in more than one plug, right where we need to plug things in, and even suggested the dark plug and cover which blends in more with the wood.
The extra cords for items not currently being charged can go in the cupboard above, or the drawer below.
If having this built in is not an option for you, think about designating a shelf near a plug-in as the charging station/ electronics home. An end table or bedside table, especially if it has a drawer, could also function this way. (Just because it’s called a bedside table, doesn’t mean it has to sit beside the bed. The electronics centre needs to be in a convenient spot.) If it has enough drawers to hold all your gadgets and their cords, your life will be simplified. Streamlined.